The Big Day Has Arrived!!!


Regular Member
I have finally brought Rosie home!!!!!
She really enjoyed the drive over. She's been out for about 5 hours having a tour of the flat, helping me set up her cage and helping me tidy. She's been very calm and cuddly which is much better than I thought she was going to be which is great.
Throughout I've been getting her to step up on perches in the new cage and treating her,giving her head scratches when she is in there, but then she comes straight out. I don't think she likes it much yet....I've just closed her in and I'm chilling in the same room as her to reassure her it's OK.
She's sitting on a perch at the top looking at me to say "let me out", and not going to other spots. Do you think that what I've done is OK? Do you think the cage set up is OK? Not sure where to put the light?! Here's some photos of the day so far!
Jess and rosie


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Well done, that is lovely so pleased she's settling.
As for the light I think she needs to be able to get away from it if she wants to also I believe it shouldn't be on all day.
looks wonderful it really does am sure your both going to be very happy x
Rosie has been screaming for the last 4 hours. She came out this morning and went back in for her lunch and I want to get her into the routine of being in her cage during the day and only being out morning and evening. But she's been screaming the whole time she's been in her cage today. I know it's only day 2 and she needs to settle and get used to her cage but I don't know what to do! She's never screamed like this before. And the upstairs flat will be able to hear it all. At the moment I'm trying to reward her when she's calm and leave the room when she screams but the calm does not last long at all. And I don't want her to think that me being out of the room is. Punishment because I'll be at work all day. I feel stuck! Please help :( thank you again in advance

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Is there anything new that's a rather different shape than she's used to or a bright colour she may not be liking. Can she see outside....if so is that what she's used to or could she be a bit spooked by things outside...or vice versa she can't see outside and is used to doing so.
I'll flag to @Roz to ask if she has any tips for you
Thank you toms mum. It's a corner cage which she's not used to. The only other thing is that there's a mirror near the cage which is different, but she likes mirrors usually. Maybe it's the angle? I'll try taking it down and see if she's calmer! Thanks so much x

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She's shouting at the sound of people that are walking past. But that's one brief noise and then she's fine. At mum's it was a really quiet street, but she used to live in London and wasn't phased by noise, so she'll hopefully revert back! I'm just overly anxious as a person so should probably calm down and let her settle. I went and gave upstairs a bottle of wine and said sorry if she's noisy for a while and should settle soon. Fingers crossed!

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thats good of you, sometimes it is cage position I have had this with some of mine scream constantly then I have moved them and they were fine, she might not like being next to something?
Poor Rosie, hope you can find out what's causing her screaming, does sound like somethings upset her.
It's a lovely set up, as for the screaming it could be anything, my Ruby screams the house down at anything new or out of place, once I couldn't work out what was causing it then eventually realized it was because I had turned the calendar at the other side of the room to a new month :confundio1:
Wonderful advice given already. Yep my first thought as I read was to go and introduce yourself to the neighbours and maybe even invite them to see Rosie... people are much more forgiving of something/someone they know. But hey you went one step further and took them a bottle of wine. So lovely!

Change is a big thing for everyone. If she is shouting at people walking past, you could try having the radio on... not blaring just something quietish to distract her a little. Try to calm yourself too... if you are uptight/upset, she will pick up on it and feel that there is something to be worried about in the environment. I'm sure as she settles in she'll quieten.

Just make sure you don't reinforce her screaming in anyway... ie. no going over to talk to her etc. when she's screaming (which I know you are not because you said so). No need to walk out of the room - in a strange place it might make her scream more... her only flock member disappearing. Then heavily reinforce ANY other behaviour. I'd try to encourage her to play with her toys just so that she can amuse herself when you are at work. If you get her used to the radio on, then it will be something else that is familiar when you go to work and she is on her own.

I was thinking too that it might be the green wall if she's used to white? Again she'll get used to it after a few days. Ollie here was aghast at the orange curtains next to his cage... it took about a week for him to get used to them. They are not a problem now. Has Rosie got some familiar favourite toys and perches in her cage which might reassure her?

Yes agree FABULOUS set up! Lucky Rosie!! :applaudit:

PS... time to go get yourself a bottle of wine and be calm. :copas:
It's a lovely set up, as for the screaming it could be anything, my Ruby screams the house down at anything new or out of place, once I couldn't work out what was causing it then eventually realized it was because I had turned the calendar at the other side of the room to a new month :confundio1:

Echoing Di... :risas3::risas3:
Thanks so much everyone! and thanks for the long explanations roz, you're all awesome. as always! Yeah I do think the green wall and dark cage is quite a big difference as she's used to a light cage and light walls. I feel bad to make her feel stressed but I'm sure she'll star to get used to it! She's been out most of the day, just put her back and she's not totally at ease but she's not constantly screaming which is good (not yet at least!). I'll keep you all updated! :) thanks again so much!

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that's good it was obviously one scary mirror and plant! they are nuts aren't they fancy it being your calendar month change Bob!
Hello! Little update.... Rosie has been with us just over 2 weeks and has settled nicely :) Phew! Hardly any aggressive behaviour (yet haha). She's calling /screaming when I leave the room and she's in her cage, but other than that she's been such a good girl! Very proud :) here's a photo of her having a snooze on Simon this evening....

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