Terrible Scare With My African Grey


hi everyone

im quite new on this site and I don't normally put posts on but I had a strange thing happen two weeks ago and I thought id share my story with u all , anyway it all started at the end of june we decided to go away in a caravan for a wk with my family and I arranged for my sis to come in an look after kia my African grey, all seemed well I phoned everyday to see how he was doin as it was the first time id left him , on returning home all wasn't well as kia would not talk to me and wasn't eatin as much ,he had lost some weight and his poos were really loose but I thought he must be upset at me goin away so I kept my eye on him and after a couple of weeks kia started whistling an eatin better but still not talkin. Then two weeks ago I got rushed into hospital as ive a serious heart problem so my hubby was with me all day up the hospital ,he got home in the evening and noticed kia was acting strange he phoned me on my mobile to tell me kia seemed ill, I was frantic stuck in hospital and kia needed me I cant tell you how helpless I felt but my hubby said he would stay up all night with him but he said he looked like he had gone blind and deaf he sent me a photo and he looked really poorly his eyes looked cloudy and my hubby had to put water to his beak every hour all through the night ,I thought I was going to lose my boy and I wasn't even with him ,I phoned home at 6am and up to then kia was no better he hadn't wanted his toast which he normally loves and my hubby said he still could not see and was not responding to him ,I literally begged the dr to let me go home but of course he wouldn't risk my life for my beautiful kia think he thought id gone mad I was so upset kia was ill and I wasn't with him ,anyway hubby had arranged take kia to vets as soon as they were open and then about 7.30am he rang me back to say things looked more positive as he had gone upstairs to shower an dress and when he came down kia was acting more alert ,he had tried him again with a bit of toast and he had ate it and his eyes were clear again and he had whistled at him ,I was gobsmacked I had been trying to prepare myself for the worst and it was like a miracle had happened ,relief and hope and all sorts of emotions were going round my head and every hour that passed kia seemed to get more like himself ,my hubby took him the emergency vets at 9.45am and by that time kia was his normal self ,hubby said she did a complete check over him and took a sample of his poo for tests but said he seemed healthy , she asked if he had any new toys in his cage which he had as id brought a stainless steel bowl toy with spoons hanging off it from ebay before we went on holiday and my hubby also told her that my mum had put a plug in airfreshner in the lounge and with me going hospital kia had been in his sleep cage in the lounge all that day , so

the conclusion was that it could have been toxins from the airfreshner or the toy had zinc in the metal and wasn't proper stainless steel ,my hubby tested the toy and he said it couldn't have been stainless steel as a magnet stuck to it so the toy was thrown away and all airfreshners were put in the bin too , I came home a few days after to my lovely kia who I thought I wouldn't see again he was his normall self apart from the talkin which he still is not doing , I don't no what caused him to lose his sight and his hearing the vet said his poo test was ok just normal gut bacteria no parasites or anything nasty and if it happens again she will take blood tests ,I hope to god it never happens again it scared me to death ,I just hope kia eventually starts talking to me again I miss his chatter and I feel so guilty that I left him and he must have been upset I will never leave him again ive told hubby kia will have to come with us next time ,anyway if any of you have experienced anything like this with your birds id love to hear from you ,this is a great site and I love reading all your posts ,if I knew how put pics on id show you kia now and what he looked like when this happened but sorry folks ive no idea how im so not good with technology :wink:  take care everyone thanks for reading my story Gill :bye:  
I'm glad he seems to have pulled through it but I would have pushed for blood tests, I am over paranoid though lol.

When you say he's not talking is he vocalising at all and does it sound normal?
:welcome:   Hi Gill, thanks for sharing your story.  I'm glad you're home from hospital and I'm so glad it was a happy ending for Kia!  It is so distressing when our fids are ill :(  .  You have reinforced for us all how important it is to ensure that we have a good avian vet.  Also, we need to act quickly, because most of the time when a bird displays illness it could be too late.  They are so good at hiding if they're ill!  Another good point you raise is the providence of our toys, some sellers are not bothered whether the toys are safe - just that they will make money!  I'm sure I've seen a thread on here about that somewhere too!  It also shows how specific the care of birds can be, and although well meaning, people can easily make an innocent mistake such as with air fresheners when they are not familiar with the care of birds.  You and your husband obviously love Kia very much, and I'm so pleased that your little boy is getting better :biggrin:  .xx
omg you gone through a terrible time...i believe it was the airfreshener more than anything else. they are very dangerous..glad he is okay now x
Thanks for posting that Gill, must have been very scary especially with you being ill. hope all is ok now.....Pleased Kia is ok now, maybe he was a bit down missing you which caused his immune system to be low? like kerstin said the plug in air fresheners are very bad for them, especially when in the same room...

Hope you keep us updated  :thumbsup:
Well what a terrible situation In hospital and your lovely bird is sick I also believe that the air freshner would be the most likely cause as it dose not take long for the Chemicals to cause bad health and even death. Iam so glad that Kia is ok now and also that you can relax a little more and hopefully improve in your health. Thankyou for shearing this as it could happen to any one whom may look after parrots or has someone to look after them for you.
thankyou everyone for your kind comments , kia is still doing fine the vet said that if he had another episode like that again she will take blood for more tests but all does seem well now , kia  is eating better again and he does still whistle and make silly noises but he still has not spoken any words like he used too so im still a bit concerned why he wont talk to me , he is very bonded to me so yes he was probably very upset I was not there but luckily he does love my hubby too ,they do cause you a lot of worry because we love them so much an I felt like id failed to pick up the signs he was ill ,im just hoping he keeps healthy now and I will never put airfreshners anywhere in the house again and all the family have now been told to be on the safe side , I also will not buy any metal toys for kia again too I am going to stick to wooden ones in future u just never know the toys we are lead to believe are safe for our birds when they really are a danger ,  I will of course keep you posted on kia's progress and fingers crossed me and my boy will be ok again now :thumbsup:
So pleased Kia is ok, it is a reminder to us all how easy it is for them to be affected by toxins :)
OMG so glad he's fine now, I can just imagine how upset you were

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