
Oh this is just too sad for words.... I too would do the same as you, my thoughts and love are with you

Lisa xxxx
If it is his time then it is best that he's at home with those he loves and who love him.

It is my biggest regret that having been my constant companion for nearly 20 years Douglas died alone at the Vets during night time.
Oh Scarlett, so sorry hun  :(

Fly free and high Oliver, no more pain little man..

Lisa x
I'm so, so sorry to hear this, Fly free Oliver.

Love, hugs and our thoughts are with you and Tristan

Julie and Stevie

So sorry to hear this Scarlett but at least Oliver is flying free and painfree - fly free Oliver and say hi to my Rocky if you pass him in the air -

My thought are with you and your family Scarlett  :cry:   :flowers:
So glad you were both with Oliver, it's awful but it would have been worse for you if you hadn't been there . , you would always have wished you had been .

Fly free sweet Oliver , xxx
Yes I am glad we were there, but it was awful to see, he was such a big bird, always the leader, never let anyone touch him, his rules! Then to see him laid on the towel taking his last breath, just broken, really broken.
Its so sad to read this about Oliver and he is at rest now. He would have known he was not well and knew he had the love of both of you. It was good in a way that you were there and although heartbreaking, he would have wanted that.

Fly Free Oliver


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