Getting Lovebird Tomorrow, Please Read

:thumbsup:  sounds like you are doing a fantastic job. I also agree with setting a routine that works for you. Everyone is different. 
Yeah I think he's been doing the one leg thing, without a doubt. He doesn't seem to want to come to me today, calls for my attention (I'm guessing), then when I go to offer my finger he flies away! Is it normal for him to do this? 
That`s normal, he`s saying 'I want you, but on my terms'! Lol

It`s normal for the flock to call and communicate with each other.

Oh and I hope you didn`t think you had to follow our routine, as Bradders said everyone has their own ways and lifestyles that suit their birds and there`s no particular right or wrong.

I`m not sure of Lovebirds do it, but all our birds grind their beaks when they are either sleepy, or just content and happy too.

Sleeping on one leg is a good sign, good health :)
He went bed at ten last night, not sure when he woke up because he was awake when I came into the room at 9. He's sat on my head right now, but won't come to my finger today for some reason! Ahaha, oh well, I'll let him up there. Unless it's very bad to let him do! Ahaha. He just flew onto the laptop. Bless him. I love him so much he's hilarious. 
I've been using millet as a treat, is that suitable? Either way, it isn't working today like it did yesterday! He's being very skittish today, and seems to prefer tweeting rather than coming on my finger. He was doing it abit this morning, hasn't really been near me since!
When I try to get him on my finger, he seems to prefer the option of my head. Haha, he wasn't doing this yesterday!
If you gently put your thumb over his toes and your hand in front or above his head it discourages him from flying away.

He`s just exploring his surroundings and getting used to you
Update guys! I'm just updating you! So I've put Yaya in his cage, he's sat onto of his toy, the highest place in the cage. I've been putting my hand in there and just stroking him and touching him under the wings and giving him millet and saying good boy when he does haha :p Aw I love him, and he wants to be in the corner near me when I'm sat next to the cage. Aw, he's adorable. I think he just needed to go back in the cage earlier, maybe I should give him more time in there. And I will try that when he's next out thanks!
Ok guys, turned the light out and left Yaya in the living room at 10. I got a photo from my webcam for you all! Not the best one, but when I fix my phone I'll have plenty for yous!.. now let me just work out how to do this... 

Done it! Guys, how do I go about starting him on his food? He's only ate millet so far, really want him to start eating properly!

Photo on 06-08-2015 at 18.27.jpg
Just give him time to settle, he will eat in his own time :) also have you had a proper look at his food? When they eat seeds they leave the husks so it can still look like they have a full bowl!
Try pushing some raw green veggies through the bars of the cage, just chunks of it, they often like to nibble.

Make sure his food bowls are up high in the cage where he feels safest and leave him in there enough time to eat it, but as said, he`ll eat better once he completely settles 

He is a little sweetie, lovely pic!
He's just came out, he was so happy to see me this morning ahahah, bless him. He's eating his millet with content but nope, he hasn't touched his other food. I've tried mixing in millet, but he just picks around the food to find the millet haha. At least he is eating something. And in a much better mood than yesterday!!
I got some more photos! My phone was working earlier so I uploaded a few to Facebook! Hahaha, he just landed on my laptop. He loves it there :p 
Here's more guys! Not a lot because the phone died, and won't charge back up AGAIN! ahaha, anyways here u go, 


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