Incy Wincy Spiders (Araneus diadematus)


Staff member
I have a lot of bee and insect bug houses on the back east facing wall of my house and noticed a spider egg sack some time ago …..
This afternoon they have hatched they are commonly known as Cross Orb Weaver spiders as when they get older the pattern on their back changes and it has a clear cross mark on the body. They are a garden spider not a house spider thank goodness!
As spiderlings they group together for protection (more eyes to the sky watching for the predator who wants to eat all of them!) until they are big enough to head off in their own way. These spiderlings as roughly the size of a pin head so really really dinky.
Errr they are known to "explode" when danger is near by explode it means they literally jump away from each other to confuse predators and when danger has gone then they group back together.
Anyways managed to get a decent-ish photo and thought I would share.
How beautiful are these little yellow dudes!

Araneus diadematus.JPG
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The entire cluster is about the size of a one penny coin it was the colour that attracted my attention I took another photo that has a green fly in it and the spiders are smaller than the greenfly! Soon they will be munch the greenfly I hope :naughty2:
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