Hello,help Requied


We have a 7 year old Pineapple Conure called Millie.Millie is very tame and is out of her cage 95% of the time.
She has started a few months ago, constant over preening/plucking and scratching. So much so she is now bald down her front and under both wings.
She gets plenty of baths,fruit,seeds and a few bits at tea time from our plates.
Any help would be helpful.
Hi :welcome: sorry to hear what Millie has been doing. Do you give her some vits like Neutrobal sprinkled on her food? That may help her. Also has she had a check up at an avian vet just in case there is something they can reveal.
Hi Graham and :welcome:to the forum.
Sorry to hear about Mille......when you say a few bits from your plates, what sort f things do you mean...as human food may have salt on and other things not so good for birdies...if it's veggies that haven't been cooked with salt then that's fine.

I too would recommend you take her to see a specialist avian vet, so they can check her out for any possible causes of this recent change in behaviours.
Thanks for the replies.
We did take her the the vets.He said it must be something that we have changed thats stressing her out.
We have run out of ideas.
We only give her bits of cooked carrots,potato,broc, cabbage. We dont cook with salt.
Whats Neutrobal?
Ok,I will get some today.
I think her diet is good. Its just her constant urge to clean all the time.
try not to spray her every day it may be better to spray her every two to three days. you can leave a bowel of water at the bottom of her cage but knowing these little darlings it may turn into pea soup so must be changed regally. a little extra calcium (I prefer the powder sprinkled on the feed) this can happen if she is due to lay I would also get a nest box for her to sleep in. I use aloe Vera in alternate sprays as this may take away some of the irritation from new forming feathers and follicles.
The vet checked her over and said,without blood tests shes seems ok and its down to stress or behaviour.
Not sure about the nest box idea? Millie might not be a she...:emoji_owl:
You may like to try putting cardboard box on the floor in the cage all my Senegals enjoy getting in and chewing them up. It all helps keep the beaks busy and hopefully could be a distraction for Millie no matter whether she is a boy, they all enjoy doing that. They also have lots of things to shred.
Millie has no shortage of things she can and does destroy on her daily quest of destruction.
Cork table matts are her favorites next to the little white keys of the wife key board...
If it turns out its boredem,then we are all in trouble.She is always out of her cage with plenty of company.Shes always sat on my should chirping away or sat on my wifes hand whilst she tries to work from home.
What age do Conures reach sexual maturity?
I dont think its a reaching maturity issue then as shes 7.
The Alo vera thats metioned to dilute and spray and nutrobal will be he next things to try.
If the plucking and baldnest continues, then its back to the vets for blood tests.
Thanks for all the suggestions and help.
I will keep posting if any improvements are noticed.
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