Bird Safe Spider Repellent?


Regular Member
I've seen a few posts on here about ways to get rid of flies but does anyone know if there are specific products or ways of keeping spiders out of the house that are parrot safe?? I can get rid of flies easily but spiders keep coming in especially during the summer now and I'm really scared of them so I hate catching them lol

I've seen a lot of spider killer sprays and such online but I am worried they would be too dangerous to use in the same room as my bird because of the fumes.

Are there any other options? (Thank you!)
There is a product that Scarlett sells called ardarp. Not sure about spiders cos it's for flies but it might be worth a look
You can't use Ardap without removing birds and animals first.

Re spiders ...not much you can do about least they help keep flies at bay! I'd just recommend keeping window surrounds and frames clear of webs etc...spiders are better caught up and popped back outside.
There are electromagnetic and other fancy gizmos out there that are designed to do the job without chemicals or death, however all those that my mother has used (I love spiders - the more the merrier!) have only worked for a month or so and then the spiders return.
Cleaning and removal is the only safe way for all concerned.
I have an elderly friend who puts conkers in the corner of the room when they are fresh fallen she swears by them but then again they are not bird safe when eaten .....
She is always telling me "if you want to live and thrive let the spider run alive" there's a lot to be said for the old wives tales .... errr as long as the spider isn't totally humongus and trying to drag the settee out the chuffing which case ..... let him :yikes:
Thank you all so much for your responses!!! The spiders don't cause any harm to be honest but unfortunately i'm just too scared of them haha

I don't mind the little ones but because of the heat recently we've been getting some big ones inside, I usually catch them in a tissue and take them outside but it's always an awful experience!. I will try the conkers, I think i've heard of that before and I only have one bird so I can keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't chew them
I place a tumbler over the top then gently ease a postcard or envelope underneath lift it gently then place Boris outside.
I have a large tuppaware tub and a sheet of stiff but thin card handy .... you don't have to get too close to throw a tub over the top of them and then either slide the card under it very gently or better still .... get somebody else to do it ;)

I have a terror of moths and butterflies .... i have done the moth and butterfly watch / count thing for a couple of years to try and desensitise myself via mild flooding techniques .... errr work in progress!

I once phoned my step-dad at silly o'clock at night practically hysterical from the back garden on my mobile ... he drove the 7 miles to where i used to live in his pj's on arrival he said what's the matter.... there's a huge moth in the kitchen i stuttered ... ok i'm stood outside where there were a heck of a lot more but that was besides the point!!! Errr it did amuse him greatly when he found i had locked the house door and shut the kitchen door as well to trap it in one place ... and after finishing laughing at me he did ask how powerful i happened to think this beast was? I made him promise not to kill it and take it outside and not release it until i was inside with the doors shut ..... embarrassing or what? .... I was in my late 30's at the time ... i'm 50 and would probably do the same thing now :risas3:
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