Sick or over excited?


Regular Member
I've just noticed some wet bits of nut & coconut (last things eaten - coconut from her breakfast & walnut was a treat from a forage toy) coming out of Gemini's beak while she played with a new toy.
Since she loves playing with buttons on clothing I bought her a wood toy in the shape of a shirt with buttons tied on with natural string. She was a little tentative at first but quite excited when I noticed the nut bits.
There was a bit of clear liquid momentarily connecting between her beak to the nut (just like saliva).
Otherwise acting normally (she's less vocal than Skye - like normal - but still tweeting flying & playing with the new kabob I got them).

Here's the video of first seeing the new toy
Hatched June last year so nearly 16 months.

I wonder if she'd just eaten right before & got excited so, like an over excited child, a little bit came up. It was just a couple of bits came out of her beak.
They are moulting, though not much change in behaviour due to that (little more preening than normal).
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Hasn't happened today & she played with the same toy (though much longer after eating).
Think maybe it was just over excited parrot + over thinking owner. It wasn't vomiting (not projectile anyway), just like when I drink too much water in one go & sometime burp some up until my stomach settles.
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