Potential aviary?


Regular Member
Hello! Hope all is well.

Same old here, Phoebe still really dislikes me and constantly attacks me if given the opportunity, Joey is still shy but no bother apart from constant screaming!! Both are very destructive.

We are moving to a much more remote location, house in the middle of nowhere situation. The situation with my two caiques has not improved, they scream an awful lot, I have to partially cover their cage to keep it dark for them to stay quiet (hate doing this). Even if we let them out they continue to scream or they go places they shouldn't be going such as behind the TV, I'm terrified they chew a wire, or they go in the kitchen (all open plan), they chew my windowsills, chew the door frames. I've let them chew to bits the bit of wood the curtain rail is attached to! I choose my battles.

I wondered what your thoughts would be on them becoming aviary only birds at the new house? I first thought I'd have an indoor type aviary, then some sort of window they can go through to get to their outdoor aviary (attached to the house) but then I thought why don't I just build them a nice aviary and heated shed etc in the garden of the new property. I don't think they're attached to us as humans at all but I don't want to put them outside if they'd miss being with humans in a house situation? I personally think they're very unhappy in this current situation, given the constant screaming, destruction, they don't want human attention or cuddles or anything, they don't dance or even whistle very much. (Phoebe used to)
Its very different to when I had Archie and Phoebe, but Archie was very loving and attached to humans. Phoebe was a completely different bird to what she is now.

What are your thoughts? Has anyone ever done this?
Phoebe and Joey are very much a bonded pair.
My little dude flock live out 24/7 minimal yelling matches just dusk and dawn or if some dopey crow stands on the roof!
If you choose outdoors then go double meshed, work out the prevailing wind side and block it then stick a polycarb roof on and your good to go as soon as the tempts stay above 9 degrees at night. Late spring to early summer best time to introduce them just an hour a day then increase it to two etc until they just live out. Roost box so they can snuggle up if needed. Make sure you have a safety porch and lighting for the winter time.
If they aren't currently happy then they aren't happy end of story you seem to have tried many things to rectify it to no avail. Even if they live out during the summer months and you decide to bring them in for winter and then re-acclimatise them the next year etc..... all options
Yeah that's what I was wondering. I can't imagine them living out during winter so would probably bring them indoors for those months.

I've completely kitted out their cage with new toys today, hoping it keeps them quiet, it's Joey mostly and he's a big chewer!
We let them out as much as possible, some days it goes really well and other days they get in very destructive moods and just do everything they shouldn't be doing!

They can scream as much as they like at the new house, I try to keep them quiet for my neighbours here.
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