Pepper and Kona's behavior


Regular Member
Kona and Pepper are both Cockatiels who look and act male, but we are not certain, especially about Pepper. (Pepper has some speckled tail feathers and pearl dots on shoulders. Contrary to popular belief, not every female Cockatiel has stripes on the tail, depending on the colour variety.)

This morning, Kona seemed defensive of a bowl that I keep on the table, with a scraper and spray bottle (AC vinegar + water for cleaning) propped up inside. He kept wanting to perch on it/partially sit inside. He chased Pepper away from the area, then continued to chase Pepper in the air, flying around the room. This happened five or six times in a row.

I thought I should put Pepper inside the Cockatiel cage, alone, so "he" could rest...but he hated it! He started running around the cage bottom, climbing up the walls, and making loud "flock calls". I let him back out.

Since then, he and Kona have been acting normal. Sitting near each other on the tall play stand, curtain rod, etc. I also took the bowl with scraper and spray bottle away, and put those items in a drawer.
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