Lost And Found Birds Of Prey

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Bird Whisperer
Staff member
Lost & Found For Birds Of Prey

The Independent Bird Register http://www.independentbirdregister.co.uk/website/

Please remember not all birds of prey are captive bred and not all birds found are tame some of the ones you may end up picking up are wildlife but if they have leather straps on their legs or rings on they are definitely captive bred also some birds are microchipped, either way these people can help repatriate the bird and the owner
Stunning, absolutely stunning.  And yes, the ones wearing leather straps are bred in captivity and although they hunt would not survive in the wild and need our help to go home.

They so need to find their way home, and my goodness they are awesome.

To b honest I found the site a bit confusing, where, what?  Why the dead mole?

Found,  damaged, smuggled  or nuisance  Birds of prey in the Highlands are  referred to a gentleman at Inverness, but did not see his details.
if you have details Kendra for the gentleman in Inverness please post them  :thumbsup:  anything to help a birdie get home
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