I gave my parrot undiluted f10 antiseptic


I just found out that I had to dilute the f10 antiseptic solution, I gave the undiluted solution to my parrot twice, I can hear pops when he breathes, what should I do?
Not knowing how you have given it (nebuliser or orally??) The packaging guidelines say "do not induce vomiting, give water (or milk but don't give your bird milk)
I think you should contact your avian vet ASAP.
On the bottle it says ready to use so is it not diluted already? I used a nebuliser machine btw
Ready to use as a disinfectant f10 is diluted for nebulizer. What did your vet diagnose you using it for?
If it's f10 not something like f10sc then the dilution rate is 1:250 of distilled water (bottled spring water works as well)
If the vet issued the f10 to you it should state what dilution rate he wants you to use if not go with the above after you talk to him about having used it undiluted
If it's this one don't dilute it they already prepared it for a nebulizer

If it's this one it needs diluting
If it's this one don't dilute it they already prepared it for a nebulizer

If it's this one it needs diluting
Yes, it’s the first one, but why is it that everytime I nebulise the solution, my parrot starts breathing heavy?
Because it's moisture with antiseptic in it hmmm have you ever had a really bad cold and had to put your head under a towel and inhale steam to loosen up your sinus?
Birds have way more effective breathing systems then us humans we just have a pair of lungs they have lungs and airsacs a one way system going on. Have a look at the link below of their breathing layout it's mind boggling

Because it's moisture with antiseptic in it hmmm have you ever had a really bad cold and had to put your head under a towel and inhale steam to loosen up your sinus?
Birds have way more effective breathing systems then us humans we just have a pair of lungs they have lungs and airsacs a one way system going on. Have a look at the link below of their breathing layout it's mind boggling

Thanks I’ll have a look, should I keep giving the solution even if he starts breathing heavy?
Keep doing what the vet has told you to do
I am presuming he's said twice a day once every 12 hours. Tomorrow you can ring him up and ask his opinion a phone call to ask his opinion but they do usually breath differently. I sometimes have to steam one of mine in the bathroom to loosen any debris out of the nares as they get regularly blocked due to the birds eating method (plant face in bowl swish it around and grab what falls between you beak!) so to loosen it its a bit of shower on full blast to make the bathroom steamed up and then sit there with her until its loosened enough to be removed.
Keep doing what the vet has told you to do
I am presuming he's said twice a day once every 12 hours. Tomorrow you can ring him up and ask his opinion a phone call to ask his opinion but they do usually breath differently. I sometimes have to steam one of mine in the bathroom to loosen any debris out of the nares as they get regularly blocked due to the birds eating method (plant face in bowl swish it around and grab what falls between you beak!) so to loosen it its a bit of shower on full blast to make the bathroom steamed up and then sit there with her until its loosened enough to be removed.
Thank you for you help, will do.
It's good that you found this site, there are many very experienced parrot people here always happy to help.
I'm sure you are really anxious about your bird, please let us know how you get on.
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