Buster Collars


Regular Member
Hi all!
So I'm still trying to get help for my self mutilating lovebird. The vet says it's behavioural. From the history and signs, he's offered me the implant which only last a couple of months.
So I was thinking of a physical deterrent to stop her attacking herself?
Any recommendations?

Sam & Kiko the lovebird
Do you leave a sheet of plain white paper in her cage so she can cut strips off and tuck them in her rump feathers?

Yeah she gets lots of toys she can shred and lots of paper she gets out time she can fly around. But even with all this she attacks herself.
I'm going to try and get her on more sprouting seeds for goodness and try and make sure she gets 12hrs sleep.
It's just hard as she's started and seems to be irritated by the new feathers coming through. I did get recommend to use a baby sock converted so I'll give that a try maybe.
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