Aviary plants


Regular Member
We’re planning a new large aviary at the bottom of the garden. (Still waiting for the quote). But it means we have to move all the plants / flowers. Not suppose to move stuff till October but not sure I can wait this long. Anyway, there is a buddleia there and I can’t see it on the lists of toxic plants so was thinking of leaving it in for some greenery. Are the birds likely to decimate it?

We also have a corkscrew hazel in a pot that I might include too.

These birds are taking over……I’ve no need to tell you.
Buddleia totally safe all parts edible in fact they rather enjoy eating it ... depends on how may birds decide they want to nibble it I suppose and what birds are doing the nibbling!

Corkscrew hazel has no known toxic issues from what I am reading used more abroad for parrots rather than over here.... you sure you want busy beaks chomping on it?

I'm going to grab some lilac before its all gone that too is parrot safe and does make a brilliant air freshener in the house :) My lot enjoyed the magnolias this year when they came out.
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