
  1. What do you get done at annual checkup/screening?

    Hi all, Have been able to sort insurance for my boy and he’s long LONG overdue for a checkup. I know the insurer won’t cover standard checkups but this is all about getting piece of mind! Was wondering what others get done? Have asked my vet if they do additional bloodwork or screening, as...
  2. AlexJoanne

    blood tests

    hiya! thought i’d just ask on here, how much was it for your bird to have blood tests if you have had them done? have to take one of (possibly both not sure yet) my budgies for some this week and i’m panicking about the cost and not being able to afford it so any prices you can give would be...
  3. Sauropod8

    Puffy eye in Crimson Bellied Conure

    Morning, We got our crimson bellied conure out this morning as usual and noticed he was scratching at his right eye a lot, and it is quite puffy. He is also not opening it fully sometimes. On inspection, he had a bit of fluff in there which we got out, but he still isn't opening it fully. Any...
  4. BeeBee

    Avian Gastric Yeast/ Mega Bacteria

    Hi all Sorry to come on with a question after not being on much lately! Could anyone tell me what the latest recommended treatment for AVG is and where to get it? I know Megabac s can only be imported now? It is for a budgie (*who is under the vet and and had a number of tests and treatments...
  5. Triss

    Mite Infestation, Help.

    I've seen tiny red mites around my parrotlet's eyes and nares. Are there any safe and effective ways of ridding myself of them? She sneezes and scratches a lot and I think she probably has some in her respiratory system (weird sounds when breathing.) This is a bit of an emergency because I...
  6. Bruni

    How Often To Go To Vets?

    Hi everyone, I have really been asking a lot of questions on here! Thank you all for being so helpful When I got Basil the people I got him from told me I should only ever take him to the vet if something is wrong... but I read online and in one of the books I have on conures that it's good to...
  7. Squabbie

    Tips For A First Vet Visit?

    I'm booked in to take my new baby cockatiel Luna to the vets for the first time tomorrow and just wondered if anyone had some pointers on how to make it go as smoothly as possible. I'm concerned that a vets visit so soon after moving her in might damage our relationship at a critical time. I...
  8. Rhonda AKA Kensmrs

    Miss Rambo Back From Re-Check At Vets 20/02/14

    Miss Rambo had her re-check of AST enzyme and her eye looked at again. Alistair our vet was wonderful and was very complimentary on Miss Rambo's condition and her behaviour. He gave her a good check over and we chatted about her eye, then he and she went off to get her blood test done. They came...
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