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    • A.A.A.
      A.A.A. replied to the thread Sick or over excited?.
      Hasn't happened today & she played with the same toy (though much longer after eating). Think maybe it was just over excited parrot +...
    • A.A.A.
      A.A.A. replied to the thread Sick or over excited?.
      Hatched June last year so nearly 16 months. I wonder if she'd just eaten right before & got excited so, like an over excited child, a...
    • A.A.A.
      A.A.A. replied to the thread Sick or over excited?.
      It was just 1-2 bites of walnut & coconut
    • A.A.A.
      A.A.A. posted the thread Sick or over excited? in Health.
      I've just noticed some wet bits of nut & coconut (last things eaten - coconut from her breakfast & walnut was a treat from a forage toy)...
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